2nd Announcement: Jędrzej Sniadecki Memorial Conference Frontiers in Molecular Life Sciences
Jędrzej Sniadecki’s Memorial Conference Frontiers in Molecular Life Sciences (JSMC2023), Vilnius, Lithuania, 23–25 May 2023
The conference will be hosted by Vilnius University, where prof. Jedrzej Sniadecki spent the main part of his professional life, as a lecturer and the first head of Chemistry Department (during 1797–-1822). Along with JSMC2023, the Conference on History of Chemistry (ICHC2023) will take place. That creates a great chance to interact for scientists from different fields. The language of the conference is English.
For both oral and poster presentations we expect to obtain short abstracts (up to 200 words) mounted in accordance with the template provided on the website of Lithuanian Biochemical Society (registration form). Time given for an oral presentation will be 30 min. (invited lecturers), 20 min., and 15 min. Number of oral presentations is limited, therefore more poster presentations are welcome. Abstracts will be reviewed by International Organizing Committee before acceptance and the authors selected for oral presentations will be informed in 2 weeks after abstract submission deadline. Participation at the conference without any presentation is also possible. Abstracts of the registered participants will be published in the Conference programme and the abstract book included in the registered participant set.
The topics for presentations to indicate in the abstract submission template
Molecular foundations of life
Genetic diversity and Systems biology
Please, note the dates:
- 14 February 2023 Deadline for abstract submission
- 28 February 2023 Notification of abstract acceptance
- 8 March 2023 Opened registration and fee payment
Registration fees:
Regular participant – 150 Eur
Doctoral student – 70 Eur
Other students – 30 Eur
International Organizing Committee Local Organizing Committee
Adam Szewczyk (Co-chair, Poland) Vida Mildažienė (Chair)
Vida Mildažienė (Co-chair, Lithuania) Gervydas Dienys
Kastis Krikštopaitis (Lithuania) Dalia Lukšienė
Piotr Laidler (Poland) Inga Matijošytė
Daumantas Matulis (Lithuania) Valeryia Mikalayeva
Andrzej Legocky (Poland) Birutė Railienė
Aurelija Žvirblienė (Lithuania) Saulius Serva
Vytautas Smirnovas
Rasa Žūkienė
Information on JSMC2023 will be available at http://www.biochemistry.lt/
Contact email address for information: vida.mildaziene@vdu.lt
Lithuanian Biochemical Society
Polish Biochemical Society