Jędrzej Sniadecki Memorial Conference “Frontiers in Molecular Life Sciences”


The event organized jointly by the Polish Biochemical Society and the Lithuanian Biochemical Society will provide a great opportunity to be updated on the latest discoveries in the field of biomolecular sciences. In addition, JSMC-2023 organized in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on the History of Chemistry 2023 (13th ICHC). It creates a great chance to interact with scientists from different fields.

Vilnius University will host the conference. The professional life of prof. Jędrzej Sniadecki was related to Vilnius University, where he worked as the first professor of medicine and chemistry and wrote his prominent scientific books on chemistry, biology and medicine. Jędrzej Sniadecki was the first head of Chemistry Department at Vilnius University (1797–1822). The JSMC-2023 will continue to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Sniadecki’s birth following the 1st Belarusian-Lithuanian-Polish Jędrzej Sniadecki Memorial Conference organized in Grodno on 8–9 November 2018.

Submitted abstracts and session proposals will be subject to review and selection by the International Organizing Committee.

We hope you will join us and enjoy your experience in Vilnius. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the conference.

 Please, note the dates:

  • 9 January, 2023    Call for abstract submission
  • 9 February 2023 Deadline for abstract submission
  • 22 February 2023 Notification of abstract acceptance
  • 1 March 2023 Opened registration and fee payment

Information on JSMC2023 will be available at http://www.biochemistry.lt/

Contact email address for information: vida.mildaziene@vdu.lt

For more details on ICHC2023, please visit https://www.ichc2023vilnius.chgf.vu.lt/