Workshop materials
Workshop materials (provided to participants)
Presentation slides (click to view or download):
FEBS Education Committee — Gül Güner Akdoğan
Session 1: Panel discussion
Session 2: Student engagement and active learning
What are some best practices? How to choose and implement them? — Ferhan Sağın
Team-based learning — Ferhan Sağın
Session 3: Biochemistry practicals
Introduction and Wet practicals — Keith Elliott
Dry practicals — Gül Güner Akdoğan
Introduction to small group discussions — Gül Güner Akdoğan
Session 4: PhD training
PhD training: new horizons — Gül Güner Akdoğan
Rethinking doctoral education (with a focus on student responsibility): ‘Beginning with the end in mind’ — Ferhan Sağın
Session 5: Career skills for young scientists
Tips for writing a successful research project — Gül Güner Akdoğan
Funds and programmes — Keith Elliott